• An AVID student celebrating graduation with his teacher


    Student success has always guided AVID’s mission. All the funding, requirements, new technology, educator trainings, and curriculum are meaningless unless students can achieve their college and career goals. Passionate teachers with genuinely high expectations are creating lifelong connections and positively impacting the trajectory of their students’ lives every day because of the AVID Effect.

    From the moment that teachers participate in AVID professional learning, they begin to shift their beliefs about teaching and learning, allowing them to cultivate a growth mindset—for both themselves and their students.


    Every person whose life has been impacted by AVID has their own experience to share. See the AVID Effect from different perspectives across the AVID spectrum and learn what it means to be a part of the AVID family.

  • What is the AVID Effect?
    "AVID is hope for teachers because it gives teachers the tools to connect with and help students succeed."
    –Maria Tol, Teacher

    Meet Demitra
    "I've noticed big changes about me as a student. And I believe that AVID has played a big role in these positive changes."
    –Demitra, Elementary student

    Meet Victor
    "The AVID program not only pushes students, but teachers to set these goals and do whatever it takes to achieve them."
    –Victor, High School student

    Meet Cynthia
    "I completely changed the way I teach. It's just amazing the difference it's made in my teaching and students' learning."
    –Cynthia Lee, Teacher

    Meet Christopher
    "AVID is also an outlook on education and how to best ensure that as many students as possible are empowered by educators with passion to change the way that they teach in order to reach the students who learn differently."
    –Dr. Christopher Small, Principal

    Meet Karen
    "AVID has really increased our graduation rates and also our success rates for students who choose to go to college."
    –Dr. Karen Fischer Gray, Superintendent